Physics, one of the oldest academic disciplines of physical science, aids us in our understanding of how the universe behaves and this alone should suffice in establishing its increased importance in the contemporary world wherein the analysis of nature seems to be the dire need of the hour. This, however, cannot make us overlook the significance of Physics in new technologies.

Products such as television, computers, domestic appliances and nuclear weapons which have dramatically transformed modern-day society owe their existence to electromagnetism or nuclear physics. Our youth can understand and appreciate their inheritance of the universe where they study Physics as an academic discipline.
In the three major systems, we have three combinations with Physics.
In the three major systems, we have three combinations with Physics.
- Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
- Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
- Physics, Mathematics and Statistics
The college attained the Autonomous Status in the year 2007-2008 and was recognized for “Potential for Excellence”. The department was given Rupees 5 lakhs for infrastructure development during the year. Using the CPE grant, the Physics laboratory was upgraded with LCD projector, computer with printer, furniture and equipment like GM counter and Hall Effect unit during the year 2007-2008. The LCD projector was extensively used for conducting class seminars, tutorials and Physics quizzes. The staff as well as students made use of it for presentations.
UGC grant money of Rupees one lakh was utilized for upgrading the laboratory by purchasing equipment for mechanics experiments of I B.Sc students and an amount of Rs.4.75 lakhs was utilized for woodwork like cupboards and tables for keeping the equipment in the laboratory.
UGC grant money of Rupees one lakh was utilized for upgrading the laboratory by purchasing equipment for mechanics experiments of I B.Sc students and an amount of Rs.4.75 lakhs was utilized for woodwork like cupboards and tables for keeping the equipment in the laboratory.
Objectives of The Department
The content of the syllabus designed by the department has the following objectives
To help students understand the role of Physics in Science and society.
To offer a stimulating and supportive environment, which would encourage students in their academic potential.
To demonstrate skills in scientific enquiry, problem solving, laboratory techniques and for pursuing research.
To equip students with skills and confidence to be lifelong learners.
The department activities include conducting workshops, seminars, projects and experiments not in the curriculum which kindles an interest in the mind of the student in Physics.