In a collaborative effort between the Department of Emergency Medicine, KMC Hospital Mangalore and the PG Department of Clinical Psychology at St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, a workshop on first aid training and pre-hospital care was conducted at the PG Auditorium of St Agnes Center for Post graduate Studies and Research on 14 March 2024. The event was attended by students from Clinical Psychology and Psychology disciplines.

The workshop commenced with a warm welcome extended by Sr Dr Vinora A.C., who presented Dr Jeedhu Radhakrishnan, guest speaker, with a sapling as a token of gratitude. Dr Jeedhu’s expertise and passion for emergency medicine set the tone for an engaging and informative session.

Dr Jeedhu Radakrishnan’s presence as the guest speaker added immense value to the workshop, providing insights from his vast experience in emergency medicine. Additionally, facilitators Mr Mohammed Zeeshan Siddiqui from the Marketing Department, Mr Dhruv Kulai, Senior Marketing Officer, and Mr Santosh, Support Staff, lent their support, contributing to the success of the event.

Throughout the session, Dr Jeedhu elucidated on various emergency scenarios, stressing the importance of prompt and effective first aid responses. Utilizing the mnemonic D-R-S-A-B-C-D (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation), Dr Jeedhu systematically guided students and provided hands-on training through the critical steps of emergency intervention.

Moreover, Dr Jeedhu’s demonstration of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) enriched participants’ understanding of this life-saving device, empowering them to operate it confidently in emergencies.

The workshop extended beyond CPR training, encompassing a comprehensive discussion on managing diverse emergency situations such as for electric shocks, seizures, and snake bites. The expert emphasized the significance of administering first aid in various situations, highlighting its critical role in saving lives.