The Department of Mathematics, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru exhibited posters on the topic “Application of Mathematics in various fields” on 22 December 2021. Also, the final round of the oral quiz was conducted. Written quiz was conducted separately for...
The Chem Aura Association, Department of Chemistry, Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru had organized the ‘Chemistree’ (Christmas tree ornament making) competition on 22 December 2021. All students were divided into...
St Agnes College Commerce Students Association (SACCSA) organized a Mad Ad Competition for BCom students on 22 December 2021, where nine teams creatively presented mad ads on various products. Winners: I Place: Ms Rhea Sequeira Group – III BCom B II Place: Ms Neeha...
The Choir Association, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organized Carol singing competition on 21 December 2021. The competition was open to all the students of the college. Mr. Rodney Vaz (Assistant professor of commerce, music composer and a former DJ) and...
NSS units of St Agnes college organized a visit to Snehalaya, Pavoor, Manjeshwar on 21 December 2021. A team of 20 NSS student volunteers along with four faculty members – Mrs Vineetha, NSS Program Officer, Mrs Vidya Patali, NSS Program Officer, Sr Evet, Management...