Visit of Group Captain AG Srinivasan, Commanding officer of 6 Karnataka Air Squadron, NCC Mangaluru to St Agnes College, Autonomous, Mangaluru on 23 November 2019. He was welcomed by the Principal Dr Sr Jeswina AC along with the Guard of Honour by the Cadets. Vice Principal Dr Sr Venissa AC, Lt. Gayatri B K (Army Wing), ANO Dr Hithakshi (Airwing) and Dr Tresee Menezes PU Staff were present. After the Guard of Honour, Commanding officer honoured the senior cadets with Ranks like Cadet Warrant Officer, Cadet Under Officer and Cadet Senior Under Officer and addressed the cadets on Airmanship. Drill was conducted by the PI Staff. Cadets of Flt A, St Aloysius College, Autonomous, Mangalore, Flt B, Alvas College and Flt C, St Agnes College, Autonomous, Mangalore were present.