The Post Graduate Department of Chemistry of St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, organised a seminar on “Factuals to comprehend and organize the prior-art disclosures to frame Scientific Communications” on 2 November 2023. The programme started by invoking God’s blessing through a prayer song. The session was compered by Sr Tomsy of II M.Sc. Chemistry. Ms Bhoomi Shetty of II M.Sc chemistry welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person, Dr Sanjay Sukumar Saralya, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at SDM Institute of Technology, Ujire. Further, Dr Sapna Kumari M, Head of the Department of Chemistry, greeted him with a flower pot as a token of appreciation.

The speaker provided valuable guidance on writing research articles. In this session, he discussed the significance of literature surveys and how to conduct them effectively. It enlightened the audience on the significance of having prior knowledge in the specific research area in order to contribute their fair share of knowledge. He demonstrated how to write an article introduction by citing relevant literature to highlight the significance of the current work. Finally, he discussed the significance of plagiarism checking ahead of submitting an article and introduced various plagiarism checking options. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms Stoney Gangmei of II M.Sc Chemistry.